Tuesday, 12 June 2018

Rude Examination For Brave Father

I was sitting alone on the chair and just wondering Why this has happened with my Father?. Every time I please God to give us a peaceful Roti.

Life was not that easy the way I was thinking. On one hand, my papa was fulfilling the family needs and on another hand, he was fighting with the civil court case. But he never made us realized that he has to work hard to compensate both the essential needs. In our childhood, we have seen our father only in the morning time and at that time he was sleeping and we were going to school. He was the young man and also had some plans for his future and he took extra pain to take the home loan for a new house. Now maa also jumped into the earning means and she started stitching and taking tutions also. I was also grown up and decided to go to school by bicycle. With the stiff neck, our new house was ready and we all were quite happy for a big achievement.

A poke of life, due to governmental interference in Faridabad's factories and the owners decided to shut down their company in Faridabad. This decision made our life worst my father has to take the volunteer retirement. a big full Stop, home loan, civil court case, education of children and other household expenses. The vicious turn came and our painful days started. Some wrong decisions vanished all his volunteer retirement money and again got the job but not up to the mark. Now, the expenses are more and income is quite less. The entry of debt in our life is just like RAHU-KETU. Life was like playing with us, the more we do hard work the more SHE throw us back. Now the people started cheating us and made us miserable. Relatives, friends and former colleagues all left us alone. 

My father, he is a person like I can't imagine how he manages all griefs of life and people. I never saw him crying but he always has a hope that One Day Will Sure Come For Me. The debts and cheaters ruin our life. People are so cruel that never had a feeling of sympathy on his condition that now he is unemployed and more than 60 years of age, still scold him, use abusive language not clearing the debt. The thing is why they are not satisfied, why they are so cruel, he paid interest which is more than 3 times the principal amount which he took a long time back. I have seen him paying the whole salary in the hands of that cruel debtor.

My hard work and earning is not enough to pay all his debt so sometimes I thought of crowdfunding, maybe other people can help us and make us free from 15 years of debts. I always say to my father that we all are under the rude examination of the life and cruel people. I will never step out of this situation, you have given us lots of things this debt is checking our humanity and patience. I will assure you may be me and my brother fails to pay your debts but WE NEVER FAIL IN YOUR LESSONS WHICH YOU HAVE GIVEN TO US.

We both are proud of our parents and their upbringings. Money is only mean to fulfill our daily needs but we never made IT that strong which isolate our relationship. People are there who try to put in bad thoughts but we are stick to our principles. Mother and Father is always our first world where we learn only good lessons of life.

On this Fathers Day, I won't be able to give you a gift but a promise of staying with you always and forever.

Welcome to the father's day #SuperHero blog train.
Here 24  bloggers, are going to share their special bond with their father. Hope on the train to read some amazing blogs. This Father's day Blog train is organised by Priyanka Patwari, parenting and lifestyle blogger ( www.flavorsofworld.com ) & Preety Tiwari , parenting and lifestyle blogger (www.delhiblogger.com)

Now, I thanks Aditi of www.aditikaps.wordpress.com to introduce me in this wonderful journey of blog train and its time move to the next station where Kapila of www.everylittlethinghappiness.com will share about the present generation of dads. Do check out her post and show some love.

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